Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Pulling The Handbrakes!

Ok... I've not posted anything new for quite a while. Reason is simple... I've not bought anything Star Wars for a looooong time ("loooooong" being relative of course). The underlying reason? I just bought myself a Playstation 3 a while back! And I *did* mention that I *was* getting ready for The Force Unleashed game, right? :)

Anyway - as we all know, the global economy is starting to suck big time. Things are getting more expensive, yaadeedaadeedaa.... lots of toys that scalpers would have jumped at, have re-emerged at retail outlets, and are STILL on the shelves after so long! So, collecting is becoming a "lighter" and less burdenful activity now. Thank God for that!

So I'm pulling the handbrakes for now... ("now" being relative of course). There will of course be more acquisitions, but on a smaller and more focused scale (this is my 99th attempt at quitting the 3-inch action figure line).

May The Force Be With You!

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